Aid for AIDS in Hyderabad

Today, not only adults but even children constitute a considerable population that is suffering from AIDS. There are a number of Government organizations, hospitals, private NGOs working towards prevention of this disease. Especially important is to implement measures for prevention of transmission of HIV from the pregnant mother to the child during pregnancy. Care has to be taken at the time of delivery as well as while breast feeding.

HIV stands for Human Immunodeficiency Virus while AIDS means Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome which can infect individuals. An HIV-positive person is said to be suffering from AIDS when his/her immune system becomes very weak and is unable to fight off some kinds of infections.

AIDS Awareness

Prevention of AIDS: An Ongoing Journey

India is working towards preventing AIDS and also creating awareness among people to keep safe especially vulnerable women and youth who have little or no knowledge as to how the disease spreads. Also at risk are transgender, sex workers or People Who Inject Drugs (PWID). Children and new born also get infected through blood transfusions and even sharing of needle from mother to child.

The suffering is alike --- for the rich or poor and timely intervention and treatment along with emotional support is required for such patients. Hyderabad is at the forefront when it comes to delivering good health care to HIV patients by means of technical support and delivery of community-based HIV programmes to those in need.

Social Stigma Attached to AIDS

Due to lack of knowledge, people shun AIDS patients due to fear of contacting the disease themselves. Children are turned away and not admitted to schools. Patients are not admitted to hospitals and orphanages even if one of the members in their family has this disease! The children of parents having AIDS have to face stigma of neglect and abuse, poverty and malnutrition apart from taking the brunt of losing their parent.


The AIDS Epidemic: A Global Concern

Do you know that as per UNAIDS, every 7 out of 1000 people in India are HIV positive? This includes children who are under 15 years of age! And yes, new patients are being added to the list every passing year. It is thus imperative to reach out to these patients who are suffering physically as well as emotionally in every possible way. World AIDS Day is observed every year on December 1.

Hyderabad city shines not only by way of its cuisine (Hyderabadi biryani), lovely markets, huge IT Parks, white pearls and colourful festivals which reverberate with love and brotherhood; Hyderabad also stands out when it comes to lend a helping hand and therapeutic services to those who are in emotional pain and are suffering physical ailments. The city has made its mark in Medical tourism too.

Aiding AIDS Patients in Hyderabad

There are a number of foundations in Hyderabad which are relentlessly working towards spreading awareness and also prevention of AIDS. These organizations work in public/private partnership and reach out to patients in hospitals and maternity homes, monitor patients in drug adherence, help vulnerable children and orphans affected with HIV, Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission of HIV (PMTCT) and aiding in their quest for recovery.

Therapeutic services for patients comprise of group therapy, individual therapy, recreational activities, therapeutic services for family members, Group sessions for relapse prevention, motivation and better communication among family members, video sessions and encouraging the creation of an outside family support system.


Organizations Working for HIV/AIDS in Hyderabad

India HIV/AIDS Alliance
Sarovar Centre, 5-9-22, Secretariat Road,
Adarsh Nagar, Hyderabad, Telangana 500063
Phone: 040-23231356, +91-40-66781161, +91-40-66686261
Head Office (New Delhi): +91-11-45367700
E-mail: [email protected]

Freedom Foundation
Flat No 145, Secunderabad,
Near Biryani Darbar, Sardar Patel Colony,
Hyderabad - 500003
Phone: +(91)-9490413147, +(91)-40-27792746

Joy Home for Children (support programmes to help children from AIDS)
Phone: (Dr. Jyothi): 040-9440561364, 919704434383

Desire Society (NGO estd. in 2004) 
Ms. Neelima Atal Mohanty --- Head Communications
LIG-156, 2nd road, KPHB Colony, Hyderabad, Telangana 500072
Phone: +91-40-64581108, (Mobile) +91-9849108082
E-mail: [email protected], [email protected]

Children's Home
536, BN Reddy Nagar Colony,
Near Cherlapally Industrial Area,
Hyderabad - 500051,
Andhra Pradesh, India
Phone: (91)9959559022 and (91)9490120168
E-mail: [email protected]

These organization are equipped with enthusiastic and trained counsellors along with years of experience in this field. Every patient is dealt with at an individual level through collective action and collaboration with concerned hospitals and maternity homes.

Today, the community as a whole has to participate for helping those already infected with HIV/AIDS. Awareness campaigns and more testing centres are required for the same. Hyderabad has taken the first few steps towards saving precious lives and the journey goes on...
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